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  • Freddy Ramirez

Longoria Sweeps Up Season And Her Reach

Paola Longoria cleaned up her 6th season (4th consecutive,) as the Ladies Professional Racquetball Tour's #1 player this past weekend in Virginia. She only had two loses this year, which had to happen eventually after her numerous undefeated seasons. Yet, as sporting figures go, she's remaining on the top of the game on numerous levels.

Consider her season. While she remained dominant, she's continued to rack up media attention, honors and sponsors. She moved up on Forbes' Most Powerful Women list... rightly so. It would just take too much time for this writer to list all the bookmarked media mentions and appearances Ms. Longoria graces. (Just the one's that are actually seen by this writer.)

Ok, where is she now? She's at 160K followers on her personal Twitter account. (That's 1-6-0 thousand... double the number from about a year or so ago.)

No shortage of sponsors.

Our guess is that line of interested supporters will only get bigger... for her.

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