This guy never forgets. (ABC13 Article.) Steven Harper is Mr. MRF - Military Racquetball Federation. It's an organization that contributes to Wounded Warriors with its Racquetball Rehabilitation Clinics program, (RRC). He's grinding out his vision that takes the passion he has for racquetball and channels it to produce things that some of us take for granted at one point or another. Physical movement that produces self-esteem, that, in-turn produces confidence to take on living positively. He's good at getting people to help out presenting his program on the ground, but for all intent and purposes, it's a one man show when it comes to pushing and making MRF happen.

I got to spend some time with Steve at Beach Bash. That's when, he was busy being sidetracked by opportunities to create solid connections for raising funds. He doesn't sit on any of them. Ever. More than a couple of times, I would return to the room after a sun filled day at the courts and he'd be a couple hours in - on tweaking proposals and programming descriptions. Or just not around at all, because he's meeting with some business man who expresses interest in supporting MRF. The time we did spend together, was mostly off court, sitting, talking, eating and sharing. His back-story is crazy compelling - inspirational. He's a man of faith. He has to be. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say, my time with him, was personally the most fulfilling moments I had at Beach Bash.
But it's easy to forget. I'm like most people. I get caught up sometimes with myself or my life. I sometimes think my problems are, in the end, important. I take for granted what I can do and how easy it is to get on the court and play racquetball. I'll probably take up Steve and the MRF down the road. I just wouldn't be able to do it justice right now. Seeing this video, is kind of like, a "c'mon man, really?" So I'm thinking, I should make the most of today.