Four different T1 winners in the first for events and things are back to looking like last season. Though, I'm looking at the word last. As in, how long will it last? Or, is this Rocky's last chance to hold the #1 spot? Of course, I don't think so, but I'd ask Rocky that if he were here right now as I write this. Rocky is still as capable as always. He's got like ironman staying power, yet, his motivation makes him drag out games. When I see that, I think, what things can really change between him and Kane?
The younger threats in the tour still have some growing pains to go through. We've seen flashes of greatness and we've seen the younger guys still trying to break free of some mental holds the older guys have on them. This weekend, Alvaro breezed by both De La Rosa and Jose Rojas to make the finals, putting things back in place as far as tenure is concerned. The final was just what we've come to expect from these two. I've seen this match before. (If you know what I mean.)
I like being surprised by motivation. Maybe surprised is the wrong word, but I know I want to see something I don't expect. Kind of like how Ben comes out sometimes when he has something to prove, or the complete Rojas that was running on court during the first T-Stop, up until the 9-4 skip in the third in the final. (That match as well as Rojas' run is available on the Network.) So, I want to see something more.
When do the ladies play again?